Babyproofing Your Relationship

A self-paced online course for expecting parents and parents with kids up to 6 months

Learn how to keep your relationship strong after baby comes

You have the high-def monitor, the foam bumpers for furniture, and three kinds of safety gates, but what about protection for your romantic relationship?

New parenthood can be a fast track to disconnection. The lack of sleep, intimacy, and time to yourself, along with the added responsibility for one or more new lives, will grab your shoulders and give a firm shake to your romantic foundation, exacerbating any previous issues, and bringing new ones to the surface.

While this is the norm, there is a way to prepare yourselves to stay strong, stable, and connected. This course will give you the tools and confidence to navigate this turbulent time together.

Course Outline

Lesson 1

Babyproofing Your Relationship: Essentials

Get prepared for the changes in your relationship (preview below):

Lesson 2

Creating a Satisfying Family System

Learn the foundational principles for a fair division of responsibilities and a sense of being in it together.

Lesson 3

Creating a Family System: The Exercises

Learn the necessary steps to divide and share roles and responsibilities.

Lesson 4

Navigating Changes in Identity

Learn how your identity may change as you become parents and its impact on the relationship.

Lesson 5

Fulfilling Your Individual Needs

Learn how to stay connected to yourself and get your needs met.

Lesson 6

Staying Intimately Connected

Learn to maintain a physical connection without creating pressure, negativity, resentment, or overriding boundaries​​.

Lesson 7

Facing the Journey as a Team

Learn the principles that will will make you feel like you're in it together, even in the most challenging of moments.

BONUS Audio Lessons

Learn about managing in-laws, how trauma affects the relationship, grounding & regulating, dealing with jealousy, and more!

Get the full course for only


✓ 7 video lessons + guided exercises
✓ 7 bonus audio recordings
✓ Downloadable PDF resources
✓ Go at your own pace
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Using the BYR tools needs has really strengthened our relationship and sense of being on the same team.

Aaron has skillfully crafted the BYR curriculum to focus on very relevant topics and exercises that improved our communication and connection right away.

- Hagen & Jenna

"BYR is SO helpful and we got a ton out of it!

The course really opened up conversations that we wouldn't have had otherwise and left us feeling more confident in our ability to parent as a team and stay connected."

- Shannon & Jim

Aaron Steinberg, MA, PCC

In the last 10+ years, I’ve supported thousands of people as a professional relationship coach through my private practice and live courses.

I created ‘Babyproofing Your Relationship’ because I saw how clients, friends, family members, and my wife and I struggled through those early parenthood years. I also saw what actually worked when it came to overcoming those common pitfalls and strengthening the connection between couples.

Everyone deserves to feel prepared for this new stage of life—not just with baby bumpers, but with the foundational principles and practices that protect your romantic relationship and grow your partnership.


  • The tricky part of talking about this when people are expecting their first child is that we don't want to hamper your excitement! In our culture, until now we haven't addressed this issue, but preparing your relationship for having a child is as important as reading the pregnancy book, choosing a safe car sear, and taking a labor and delivery class. This is preventive care. If you understand the dynamics in advance we can support your relationship in staying strong and connected through this beautiful and chaotic time.

  • Absolutely. The principles and tools taught in this course have been tested and refined in countless counseling sessions, live workshops, and in real time—they are the best foundational practices in couples coaching that can be applied to any relationship, with a focus on the most commonly reported issues by new parents. It’s true every relationship is unique, but relationship dynamics overlap a lot. Good education and best practices make a huge difference.

  • Many people have taken these courses on their own and reported that it was highly transformative, allowing them to make immediate and effective changes in their relationship.

    For the greatest impact, however, taking the course with your partner will develop a mutual understanding and language for issues and tools that create the most supportive environment for connection.

  • The course is nearly 2 hours of video runtime plus exercises and supplementary materials to do on your own time. The whole experience is self-paced to accommodate whatever schedule you have.

  • Courses are accessed in your Account > Digital Products. Log in to your Account to see all purchases. If you are having problems, please email us and we'd be happy to help

  • You'll have lifetime access to the course content and resources.

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