Connect Through the Chaos

A self-paced online course for parents with kids up to 7 years

Stay connected while navigating the common pitfalls of parenthood

Having a child is typically one of the most hopeful and joyful experiences of our lives. Pregnancy and the first few weeks are often euphoric with an increase in relationship satisfaction.

But, as each new challenge arises, you realize you’re exhausted and overwhelmed. As a couple, you may find yourselves feeling disconnected, resentful, and unsure of how to fix things.

While this phase may be the norm, you don’t have to just endure it and hope to be happy again. With the right tools and support in this course, you can feel more connected and satisfied starting now.

Get More Connected

Preview a video lesson from the Introduction:

Learn how to:

  • Practice healthy communication during challenging times

  • Maintain your intimate connection

  • Tackle conversations about money

  • Manage differences in parenting style

  • Avoid unequal loads and individual burnout

Course Outline

Module 1


  1. Pitfall #1: Poor Communication

  2. Tool #1: Expert Listening & Response Skills

  3. Communication Exercise

Module 2

Sex & Intimacy

  1. Pitfall #2: Lack of Sex & Intimacy

  2. Tool #2: Trust, Planning & Effort

  3. Sex & Intimacy Exercise

  4. Liz and Aaron Discuss Sex

Module 3


  1. Pitfall #3: Conflicting Money Styles

  2. Tool #3: Embrace the Change

  3. Money Exercise

Module 4


  1. Pitfall #4: Parenting Differences

  2. Tool #4: Humility & Complementarity

  3. Parenting Differences Exercise

  4. Liz and Aaron Discuss Parenting

Module 5


  1. Pitfall #5: Unequal Parental Load

  2. Tool #5: Clarity, Compersion & Praise

  3. Self-Care & Teamwork Exercise

Get the full course for only


✓ All 5 modules (25 video lessons total)
✓ 3 recorded coaching sessions with couples
✓ 2 interviews with Aaron & his wife
✓ Downloadable PDF resources
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Bonus content (full course only)

Four free audio lessons on:

The new concept of family

Managing in-laws

Navigating parenting difference

Conflicts with money

We feel so much more confident in our ability to show up and do what it takes to make our relationship better.

Aaron has condensed many years of study and practice into this extremely valuable course. We felt understood in a deep way, and his vibrancy, enthusiasm, and clarity left us so energized!

- Hagen & Jenna

Tightly cropped Image of a young couple, Hagen and Jenna, and their newborn baby lying on a bed

"Using the tools for handling burnout and meeting individual needs has really strengthened our relationship and sense of being on the same team.

Aaron has skillfully crafted this curriculum to focus on very relevant topics and exercises that improved our communication and connection right away."

- Stephanie & Josh

Tightly cropped Image of a young couple, Stephanie and Josh, and their baby outside on a sunny day

About the Course

This course draws on my Master’s in Psychology, complex trauma therapy training, education from the Gottman Institute and the Couples Institute, as well as what I’ve seen actually work in hundreds of client sessions—not to mention my own 12-year relationship and raising two young children.

I know it’s possible to leave early parenthood more in love and satisfied than you were before, but you have to understand what you’ll face, have the tools to navigate it, and have the safe space to practice under expert guidance.

Image of Aaron Steinberg, his wife, and two young boys


  • Absolutely. When your kid(s) are older, this course can give you a clear understanding of what dynamics fractured your connection and satisfaction, and therefore it gives you actionable doorways to work with any resentment and reroute the patterns that set in during that time. We have had a handful of couples with older kids take this course, some of whom were on the brink of divorce, and for many it was a massive turning point in their relationship satisfaction and saved them from splitting.

  • The total runtime for all video and audio content is approx 5.5 hours including partner exercises. Each module's runtime is listed above.

  • The course has education sections, exercises, interviews, and coaching sessions. The educational parts are mostly video with some audio mini-modules. They also include pdfs to supplement the learning, like Key Takeaways, module-specific practices, and FAQs . The exercises are guided videos to do in real-time with your partner. The interviews are with Aaron and his wife and you get to hear about their journey with sex and intimacy and parenting differences. The coaching sessions are videos of sessions Aaron did with real couples.

  • Tell them we understand - parenthood is busy enough. "Working on your relationship" often feels like you're going to be pressured into being someone you're not or endlessly talking about your childhood. Not to mention, coaches doing courses are everywhere these days - how can you trust that this is going to be worth it?

    There are a handful of things that can make our course different. While we believe diving into both the educational parts and the exercises will give you the best results, you can do whatever feels desirable. You can choose your own adventure and only watch the topics of the areas you're particularly struggling with. You can also decide to watch/listen to the videos separately and then come back to each other for discussion, as opposed to doing the specific exercises together. You can do one topic a week, or one topic a month. We're confident that whatever way you choose to participate, you won't regret doing it.

    And we have a 30-day money back guarantee, so there's really nothing to lose.

    (Also, if your partner is unwilling to participate, many people have opted to take the course on their own and still report that it was highly transformative, allowing them to make immediate and effective changes in their relationship.)

  • Courses are accessed in your Account > Digital Products. Log in to your Account to see all purchases. If you are having problems, please email us and we'd be happy to help.

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